Oct 2 - 9am
Bill 181 D2 (amends County Code re: General Plan) SUPPORT
Bill 181 D2 testimony due tomorrow, Tuesday before noon
Please support this bill.
Testifiers must come out in numbers in support of Bill 181 D2. This is our last chance before Mayor Roth's appointed Head of Planning, Zendo Kern, solidifies this General Plan, locking us legally around rezoning and development laws until 2045. It doesn't address community concerns (Cultural landscapes, environmental impact, affordable housing, open spaces, and economic diversity). It does promote development without clarity, loopholes, favorable outcomes for offshore investors, urban densification, and sprawl. Being vague will not protect the regeneration of our cultural landscape and land-to-sea relationships. The GP is a word salad that doesn't produce useful, considerate rules or regulations to protect Hawai'i from becoming another Lahaina (water diversion and overdevelopment, over-tourism, and over-gated and exclusive wealthy communities).
Hoping more folks will get involved....as I am unable to.
Maki Morinoue