They're Currently Releasing Millions of
Lab Injected Mosquitoes On Maui!
Why Should You Care?
(Watch Video)
"The State DLNR has been funded to build out the insectary in their Hawaii lab where they intend to mass produce Wolbachia and genetically modified pgSIT CRISPR technology mosquitoes for release on the islands. Plans are to continue the mosquito production and release project in “perpetuity” (forever)." Tina Lia, founder of HawaiiUnites.org
[Diret link to this video: https://youtu.be/ryRiPOqgzps]
The State of Hawaii and its multi-agency partnership’s are releasing billions of lab-infected mosquitoes. Hawaii DLNR has been funded to build out the insectary in their Hawaii lab where they intend to mass produce Wolbachia and genetically modified pgSIT CRISPR technology mosquitoes for release on the islands. Plans are to continue the mosquito production and release project in “perpetuity” (forever). [Taken from HawaiiUnites.org]
They claim this will save native birds
and have NO PROOF it works!
In fact, the Maui Assessment States: "Outcome Unknown!"
Why be concerned?
Southern House Mosquito Has Been Shown To Transmit...
~ Avian Malaria ~ West Nile
~ Avian Pox ~ Elephantitis
~ Heart Worm ~ And More!
They want to do this experiment FOREVER!

Things You Should Know:
They are claiming that Wolbachia injected mosquitoes will save native birds by lowering the mosquito population. However, Wolbachia bacterium strains are still being discovered and its impacts are yet to be fully understood. Its influence on other life forms; including humans, native birds, arthropods and filarial worms’ reproductive cycle and pathogen infection (either to block or promote) is still in the process of being researched! [Taken from HawaiiUnites.org]
Want Peer Reviewed Articles Revealing
Star Advertiser wrote a good article about the court case.
Hawaii Health Department, Asked Dr. Lorrin Pang For His Opinion. He said, "Do NOT Do This"
They are ignoring him!
Watch Dr. Pang's interview to learn why he is going to court trying to STOP this experiment!
[Direct link: https://youtu.be/r2zS6ropc68]
Who's Testing Injected Mosquitoes BEFORE They Enter Hawaii Making Sure They're NOT
Carrying Other Diesases?
Malria Found In Texas!
Mosquito experiments are being done in Texas and Florida. Now those States are seeing malaria cases.
News story blames people coming over the border.
Watch video to the right.
Direct link: https://youtu.be/XU7GvHLnUzQ