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Big Island General Plan Is Against The People!

​See General Plan Click Here!


To See The People's Concerns Click Here!


Next Meeting February 6th and 7th!

Please be there or send testimony!


Problem: The Big Island General Plan 2045 looks like a communist agenda and is already reducing the value of people's property. 


Concerns Include: 

  • Land Use changing Residential to Recreation DROPS property value!

  • Plan could set up MANY opportunities for State to take your land & Rezone!

  • Plan could regulate OFF-GRID living!

  • Plan will further STRESS electric grid increasing prices!

  • AND MORE!​​

​Watch videos to learn more: 

















​​Dates To Speak Out In-Person, on Zoom, or Email are as follows: â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

February 6th

​Time: 9AM AND 1PM 

Location: 25 Aupuni Street, Hilo ​​Register for 

Zoom Registration here:

February 7th

Feb 20th



Copy and Paste ALL EMAILS and Send your testimony TODAY!

(Goes to Planning Commissioners + County Council):,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Subject line: DO NOT Recommend the Hawaii GP 2045! 


Email to model is below (optional):


Aloha Commissioners, 


The Big island Plan cannot go through the way it is designed. It is hard to believe any local helped design this plan. 


Here are some concerns: 


  • The word "Stakeholder," defined in the plan, is written 86 times and literally means anyone in the entire world can have input on this plan.


  • Please recommend Stakeholder change to the following: "Local Communities”. Local Communities are local Big Island farmers, homeowners, renters, organizations, businesses, and individuals who live on Big Island or have property on Big Island that will be personally affected by projects, decisions, or activities in the general plan. Effective local community engagement and management are crucial for the success and sustainability of any initiative, as it helps ensure that diverse perspectives and interests are considered. 


  • The OSCER Department in the plan will null and void all public input and leave decisions to unelected officials. This is NOT okay! This department should not be created. This is on page 188, 40.8.


  • The Planning Department has sent out letters too many homeowners telling them their land use will be changed from resident to recreation due to the General Plan 2045. This will drastically lower their property value and opens the door to rezone the area.  This is not pono. It breaks the Aloha Spirit law § 5-7.5. To reduce someone's property value is not okay. This must be made pono again.  



  • Hilo does not have a Community Development Plan. How can a Big Island General Plan move forward without that? Hilo is 22% of the island. 


  • 1.13 under "Increase the biodiversity and resilience of native habitats" reads, "Incentivize private land management practices that protect and enhance natural resource values and, when appropriate, pursue the acquisition of lands for the protection of natural resources." "Incentives" mean more taxes. "Protection" means more rules. Who's "values" is this plan referring too because it's not the locals? "Pursue the acquisition of lands" does this say they are going to pursing taking people's private property? Again with "protection of natural resources". This plan should be focused on people growing more food and it is doing the exact opposite! 


  • This plan wants to turn land into "conservation". The exact opposite is what is needed for Big Island! We need to turn land into Ag Villages and grow more food! Steve Shropshire, a resident of Papaikou, has created an Ag Villages plan.


Ag Village to add to the General Plan:  â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹


​Papaikou Ag Village Objectives:


​Papaikou Site Plan:


Papaikou Development: 


​​​​​​A Hawaiian born Kanaka revised the Collaborative Biocultural Stewardship that is in the plan. You can see it in the pdf below:

Part One:


Part Two:


Here is a longer revised version of the plan from locals:



The way this plan is written is very far from what will support our island. ​​


(Your Signature)


Anyone can send in a testimony. You do not have to live on the islands. -Mahalo


Send Email To Both:,,







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