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Stand Together Hawaii!

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Join US

We'll send you info to help save Hawaii, all free people, and yourself.

Big Island General Plan

All locals MUST know what is coming for Big Island. If you value your land and keiki's future get out and speak-up for Big Island!

Great Maui Land Grab Book

What caused the Maui fire and is your home next? This award winning book exposes the truth from experts and locals. 

Freedom School

Want to know what the heck is going on with the United States Government? Join "Blossom Inner Wellness" and find out!

What happened in Maui was not natural and should be a warning light for all free people!

This book has over 250 sources showing that the Maui “wildfire” was not due to a hurricane or normal fire. 


Get ready to disoover: 

  • Numerous fire anomalies

  • The laws the Hawaii Governor suspended 22 days before the fire

  • Who is the Maui Police chief 

  • The death toll bouncing ball

  • Why did trees burn from the inside out

  • Why didn’t blue things burn

  • And tons more! 


You’ll also learn about the other fires around the world and how to protect yourself!

Take Action!

We watch Hawaii legislation and if anything goes on their agenda that is against our freedoms, or the the rights of our keiki, we send out action steps to take!


We also pay attention to the Hawaii Agriculture and National Parks and if they try to change something that may endanger the Aina, people, or wildlife, we send out where to send comments and take action!

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